
ICS 108 Project

Primary LanguageJava


ICS 108 Project

I created Question class in addition to abstract BasePane class and I created and structured the layout of SelectionPane

2021, April 13 (Abdulaziz)

Created CreateScene & CreatePane classes and added getQuestion method in SelectionPane class, also added functionality to create id to each question object

2021, April 16 (Abdulaziz)

Created ViewScene, ViewPane, DeleteScene and DeletePane basic structure

2021, April 16 (Yousuf)

Created and structured FormPane class to be instanced in CreatePane & EditPane, also edited the functionalty of choosing question in EditPane, also there was a bug of clicking update button in EditPane when there is no question has been selected, this bug was fixed and remaining warning user to select question

2021, April 17 (Abdulaziz)

Edited FormPane and SelectionPane, fix bug that will fire if you update question that is only child of combo box, handle updating or creating a question that has at least one field empty,edited the main scene

2021, April 19 (Abdulaziz)

Designed the main scene

2021, April 19 (Abdulaziz)

Customized the topBar by creating TopBarPane class, created Constants class to save constants, edited a little more on main scene design

2021, April 20 (Abdulaziz)

Added ResizeHelper class to implement the resizing feature into UNDECORATED stage

2021, April 20 (Abdulaziz)

Deleted CreatePane,EditPane,DeletePane,ViewPane and created BaseScene abstract class

2021, April 20 (Abdulaziz)

Change Constants to Commons and seperate SelectionPane to seperate file, edited Edit Scene, created BasePane interface

2021, April 21 (Abdulaziz)

Deleted ID functionalty, done some design, added loading and saving date to QuestionsBank.dat functionalty

2021, April 22 (Abdulaziz)

finishing all parts

2021, April 24 (Yousef)

Final commit, added UML Diagrams

2021, April 22 (Abdulaziz)