
a easy to use toast system for web developers built to be used with Vanilla JS just include the JS and css files and start showing toast to users

Primary LanguageCSS


built for project that i use vanilla Javascript or typescript that I do not want to use extra libraries with it

how to use

  1. Copy easy-toast.js to your project
  2. Copy easy-toast.css to your project
  3. add <div id="toast"></div> at the bottom of you page
  4. call function easyToast(Message, Position, type, Duration)


  1. Message: string
  2. position: string
    1. top
    2. bottom
    3. left
    4. right
    5. top left
    6. top right
    7. bottom left
    8. bottom right
  3. type: string
    1. success
    2. warning
    3. error
  4. Duration: number
    1. in seconds
    2. if you did not add it it will be 3 seconds by default
Error/Warning Success
Error Warning


  • Show Toast
  • Select place to show toast
  • Show stack of toasts
  • set timer of the toasts
  • Show timer under the toast
  • Add SVG logos depend on user request
  • OnClick close toast

Note: now you can only show one toast at a time