Mixed Reality Framework

Getting started



Actuation Gap

In order to measure the actuation gap, we need to send the same commands to the simulator and the donkeycar.

  • Setup a camera that has the view of the donkeycar, with the following specifications: 4k 120fps.
  • Open the simulator and click on the NN controlled option.
  • Go to sdsandbox/src/gym-donkeycar/mixed-reality
  • Run actuation_gap.py.

The options for actuation_gap.py are:

python3 actuation_gap.py --type {["linear", "steering", "complete"]} --st {steering_value_float} --th {throttle_value_float} --time-to-drive {time_in_seconds}

After the execution finishes you will find a csv file which contains the data the was received from the simulator in a folder in the same directory which has the name of the respective type of actuation you executed.