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Hello my vistor welcome to my reading Note.

I am Abdullah Alabbadi.

This reading has information about an important thing in Software Development.

Table of content Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

Reading of classes Link
differences in text editors Click Here To See
information about repository Click Here To See
Growth mindset explan Click Here To See
Structure of HTML Click Here To See
JavaScript language Click Here To See
logical operators description Click Here To See
Conclusion about Color in JS Click Here To See

Table of content Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

Reading of classes Link
Read: 01 - Introductory HTML and JavaScript Click Here To See
Read: 02 - CSS, javaScript Introducing and Instructions Click Here To See
Read: 03 - HTML Lists, Control Flow with JS, and the CSS Box Model Click Here To See
Read: 04 - HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout Click Here To See
Read: 05 - HTML Images; CSS Color & Text Click Here To See
Read: 06 - Object Literals; The DOM Click Here To See
Read: 07 - HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions Click Here To See
Read: 08 - More CSS Layout Click Here To See
Read: 09 - Forms and Events Click Here To See
Read: 10 - JS Debugging Click Here To See
Read: 11 - Assorted Topics Click Here To See
Read: 12 - Docs for the HTMLElement & Chart.js Click Here To See
Read: 13 - Local Storage Click Here To See
Read: 14a - CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations Click Here To See
Read: 14b - What Google Learned About Teams Click Here To See

Table of content Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

Reading of classes Link
Read: 01 - Introduction to React and Components Click Here To See
Read: 02 - State and Props Click Here To See
Read: 03 - Passing Functions as Props Click Here To See
Read: 04 - React and Forms Click Here To See
Read: 05 - Putting it all together Click Here To See
Read: 06 - NODE.JS Click Here To See
Read: 07 - REST Click Here To See
Read: 08 - APIs Click Here To See
Read: 10 - In memory storage Click Here To See
Read: 11 - Authentication Click Here To See
Read: 12 - Mongo and Mongoose Click Here To See
Read: 13 - CRUD Click Here To See
Read: 14 - Diversity & Inclusion in the Tech Industry Click Here To See
Read: 15 - Project Kickoff Click Here To See

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See you :)

broken Bye