HW React Events


Following up on the Codealong and working on the same data add the element of adding, removing objects to the meme array in the following way.

The images should start as hidden

And show when a user clicks on the title show the meme

Memes Data

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Angry",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/kH6o0mN.png"
  "id": 2,
  "title": "Aww Yeah",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/vTSZ6CG.png"
  "id": 3,
  "title": "Cereal Guy",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/SjnMMhd.png"
  "id": 4,
  "title": "Cereal Spitting",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/rdw32yx.png"
  "id": 5,
  "title": "Challenge Accepted",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/xHcS2LF.png"
  "id": 6,
  "title": "Heck Yea",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/DRd0yKE.png"
  "id": 7,
  "title": "Concentrated",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/t9uwvai.png"
  "id": 8,
  "title": "Derrrp",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/kBSZgbG.png"
  "id": 9,
  "title": "Determined",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/CATjyHj.png"
  "id": 10,
  "title": "Dude Come On",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/8Tkr6ld.png"
  "id": 11,
  "title": "EWBTE",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/ZaSaYAK.png"
  "id": 12,
  "title": "Excited Troll",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/CFLPW9U.png"
  "id": 13,
  "title": "Fap Fap",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/NImikb7.png"
  "id": 14,
  "title": "Forever Alone",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/4L89AMP.png"
  "id": 15,
  "title": "Forever Alone Excited",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/NyEoz2g.png"
  "id": 16,
  "title": "Oh Yea Female",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/WMgvwaq.png"
  "id": 17,
  "title": "Full Panel",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/iN5P0r4.png"
  "id": 18
  "title": "Happy",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/JqhcMU4.png"
  "id": 19,
  "title": "Hehehe",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/U9GK6jL.png"
  "id": 20,
  "title": "Laughing",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/wJUtNXR.png"
  "id": 21,
  "title": "Me Gusta",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/6otWkQZ.png"
  "id": 22,
  "title": "Milk",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/bxMhEKZ.png"
  "id": 23,
  "title": "Newspaper Guy",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/MhbPTSQ.png"
  "id": 24,
  "title": "Okay",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/X6niVYQ.png"
  "id": 25,
  "title": "Original Rage",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/CD0nLh8.png"
  "id": 26,
  "title": "Original Troll",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/sV4AReH.png"
  "id": 27,
  "title": "Poker Face",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/EFHsGkJ.png"
  "id": 28,
  "title": "Prrrr",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/gXmsig6.png"
  "id": 29,
  "title": "Smile",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/Bp2y4zT.png"
  "id": 30,
  "title": "Thoughtful",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/HdmBrwX.png"
  "id": 31,
  "title": "Troll Dad Full",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/Mgyz87x.png"
  "id": 32,
  "title": "Troll Dad Jump",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/PFzOfO7.png"
  "id": 33,
  "title": "Wait A Minute",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/rxlv8TX.png"
  "id": 34,
  "title": "What",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/0JmUzko.png"
  "id": 35,
  "title": "Why With Hands",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/gEZW60M.png"
  "id": 36,
  "title": "YUNO",
  "image": "http://imgur.com/uXKy3RJ.png"

Add Memes to State

  • Add memes array to a js file
  • Add memes array to the application's state
  • In render, iterate through memes array and display title and meme as image.

Create Meme Component

  • Move title and image tag into a Meme component
  • Pass each meme id, title, and image into the Meme component as a prop.
  • Use props in Meme component

Hide/Show Meme

  • Add state for visible to be false
  • Use state for hidden to only show meme if state for visible is true.
  • Add click event to meme title that toggles the state of visible between true and false
  • Make click event update state of memeStyle to hidden or show.

Change Page Theme

  • Create a class that will change the font, font color, and background of the meme container and form
  • Add a theme key to the state that will make the class be applied or not applied based on if it is true or false
  • Add a button that will change the state of the theme

Delete All Memes

  • Add deleteMemes function to App that makes memes state an empty array
  • Add a button with click even to deleteMemes
  • If there are no memes, show a message "There are no memes"

Delete Meme

  • Add deleteMeme function to App that removes meme by ID
  • Pass deleteMeme function and meme ID to Meme componenet
  • Add button with click event to deleteMeme

Add New Meme

  • Add form and inputs to render
  • Add form object to state
  • Update inputs name attribute to match form object
  • Bind inputs value to form object property
  • Write onChange function to update form object property
  • Write onSubmit function to add form object to meme array in state and reset form object to clear form.

On Completion

  • Send a pull request with commit message "Solution for Week08Day02"


Add to previous Meme Codealong

  • Add this functionality to the previous meme generator codealong done in the class.
  • The randomImg array should have your newly added image in it.

Extra Bonus:

Sign In

  • Add a form and inputs for signing in with email and password
  • Add form object to state
  • Update inputs name attribute to match form object
  • Bind inputs value to form object property
  • Write onChange function to update form object property
  • Add state of signedInEmail that starts as null
  • Write onSubmit function to add form object to signedIn state and only show memes and meme form if they are signed in


  • Using Axios get the data from the API instead of using an array of data provided, Use the following link to pull the data. https://api.imgflip.com/get_memes

  • It should have the possiblity of adding topText and bottomText to the random image that gets displayed from the api.

On Completion

  • Send a pull request with commit message "Solution for Week08Day03"

Total time for both HWs: 2 Days