
Vanila Javascript Workflow like react & uses jsx shiped with bootstrap 4 by default

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📦 Parcel Boilerplate

This is a minimal and easy workflow for front-end development using vanila javascript

💎 Features:

  1. This boilerplate shiped with bootstrap 4
  2. Easy to setup
  3. Using modren javascript features
  4. Comes with babel configured
  5. Similar to react
  6. uses dom directly
  7. Super fast
  8. uses scss to customize bootstrap 4 components
  9. Uses Jsx

âš™ Setup

  1. clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/W2AlharbiMe/parcel-boilerplate.git
  1. cd in the directory and run
$ npm install # you can also use yarn
  1. run development command
$ npm run dev # or use yarn
  1. Start developemnt

🗺 Structure

|-- .babelrc # babel configurations goes here
|-- package.json
|-- public
|   `-- index.html # application entry
`-- src # all components goes here
    |-- components # all your components should go there
                   # Note: import your components in App.jsx
    |-- App.jsx # the entry component
    |-- app.js # the application entry
    |-- compiler
    |   `-- index.js # the compile function
    `-- scss # all styles goes here
        |-- _defaults.scss #  to overwrite bootstrap 4 default styles
        |-- _variables.scss # to overwrite bootstrap 4 default variables
        |-- app.scss # entry scss file
        `-- components # component styles goes here
            `-- index.scss # import all the scss files to this file

📚 Build The Application

Run this script to build the application

$ npm run build # or use yarn

this will build the dist directory