
project management web app using ruby on rails framework

Primary LanguageRuby

Project Management App

this project is a clone of trello.

🤔 How to install

  1. check your ruby version by running this command in the terminal:
$ ruby -v
  1. remove Gemfile.lock
  2. open Gemfile and change line 4:
ruby '<your_ruby_version>'
  1. open .ruby_version and change the version there as well
  2. run these commands:
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
  1. don't forget to create the database
$ rails db:create
  1. run migrations
$ rails db:migrate
  1. run the server
rails server

🔥 Technologies

🤩 Front end

💎 Back end

✔️ Features

  1. Authentication.
  2. Create organization, edit organization, delete organization.
  3. Create many projects for organization, edit project, delete project.
  4. Create Cards, edit card, delete card using javascript.
  5. Create tasks in card, edit task, delete task using javascript.
  6. Drag tasks to another card.

🗒️ User stories


  1. As a user i want to create a new account
  2. As a user i want to login to my account
  3. As a user i want to edit my account


  1. As a user i want to create a new organization
  2. As a user i want to edit organization
  3. As a user i want to delete organization


  1. As a user i want to create a new project
  2. As a user i want to edit project details
  3. As a user i want to delete project


  1. As a user i want to create a new card
  2. As a user i want to edit a card
  3. As a user i want to delete a card


  1. As a user i want to add a task for a specific card
  2. As a user i want to edit a task
  3. As a user i want to delete a task
  4. As a user i want to comment on a task


sign_in sign_up organization add_organization tasks

Entity Relationship Diagram
