
Weather App in Android Studio using weatherbit.io Api 🚀😊

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

🌤 WeatherApp in Android

Twitter Follow

A simple Weather app to show Current weather and their statistics. Weather App using weatherbit.io Api. In this App user will enter the city name and gets the weather data of the provided city. Parse the response and show the following data in a well formatted design.

"City", "country", "temperature", "weather_descriptions", "wind_speed", "wind_dir", "precip", "humidity"

The weatherbit.io was used to fetch current weather data.

Music App Instagram Post

Please star ⭐ the repo if you like what you see 😉.

💻 Requirements

  • Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Windows)
  • Android Studio IDE
  • A little knowledge of Android.

✨ Features

  • Current Temperature.
  • Wind speed.
  • Wind Direction.
  • humidity.
  • Local storage of logs.
  • Lottie Aimations

📸 ScreenShots

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🔌 Plugins

Name Usage
Volley Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier
Lottie Animations in Android.
Room The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite

🤓 Author(s)

Abdullah Sheikh Twitter Follow