
A simple iOS app that fetches data from an API and displays it in a table view.

Primary LanguageSwift


A simple iOS application that retrieves data from an API, presents it in a table view, and incorporates the principles of clean architecture.

Click here to see the video demo.



The project used SPM to install the follwowing dependencies:-

  • RxSwift
  • SDWebImage
  • Realm
  • Alomofire

Design Pattern

  • MVVM-C


The project consist of two features:-

  • Onboarding
  • User
    • UserListing
    • UserDetails


The project consist of the functionalities:-

  • Added App icon.
  • Pull-to-refresh functionality to refresh the list of items.
  • Caching to store the fetched data locally and provide offline support.
  • Proper error handling and provide appropriate UI feedback if the API request fails.
  • Provide a clean and user-friendly UI design.
  • Fetch and display a list of items, also display more information about the selected item