But you promised
For when you don’t want your promises to give up on the first attempt (most commonly because of network failure).
Pass in a promise-returning function (X), get a wrapped function back that calls X until it fulfills/resolves, or until 5 attempts have been made. Exponential back-off by default, highly configurable, no dependencies.
butYouPromised(yourFunction[, options])
required function
A function that returns a promise. A common usecase would be a function that makes a network request when called.
optional object
An object that can be passed-in to override default settings.
optional integer, the default is 5An integer that sets the maximum number of times
will be called before rejecting. The number set here will only ever be reached if your function’s promise consistently rejects. -
optional function, the default creates an exponential delay functionA function used internally to create a back-off strategy between attempts, when first wrapping
. When called,createBackOffFunction
should return a new function (let’s call it Y here for clarity). Y should return an integer and will be called after each failed attempt, in order to determine the minimum number of milliseconds to wait before another attempt (unlessgiveUpAfterAttempt
has been reached). Y will be called internally with one parameter, which is a count of how many attempts have been made so far. This gives you flexibility to define how your subsequent attempts are made.Example custom back-off function
createBackOffFunction: ({ seedDelayInMs }) => { return attemptsSoFar => attemptsSoFar * seedDelayInMs; }
If you don’t want a back-off
createBackOffFunction: () => () => 0
optional function, the default is a no-op function (but passes the result through)A function that will be called internally if
’s promise is fulfilled. This is useful if you want to override what is deemed a successful scenario, such as a network request that returns a 500 response.Example custom onFulfilled function
onFulfilled: (result = {}) => { if (result.status > 500) { throw new Error(`Received a server error ${result.status}`); } return result; }
optional function, the default is a no-op function (well, kinda—it rethrows the received error)A function that will be called internally every time
’s promise is rejected (if at all). This is useful if you want to override what is deemed a failure scenario, or if you want to log attempts.Note that you should rethrow the error passed into this function if you want to trigger another attempt (unless the
number has been reached).Example custom onRejected function for logging
onRejected: (err) => { console.error(`Failed to do the thing. Got this error message: ${err.message}`); throw err; // replay error to trigger subsequent attempts }
Example custom onRejected function to avoid multiple attempts for certain scenarios
onRejected: (err) => { if (err.status >= 500) { // If the error is not expected to change with multiple attempts (in this case if an HTTP network response code is, say, 404 (not found), subsequent attempts are not helpful) throw err; // replay error to trigger subsequent attempts } }
Return value
Always returns a function
that will return a promise when called.
Wrap your promise-returning function like this:
const { yourFunction } = require('./your-module');
const wrappedFunction = require('but-you-promised')(yourFunction);
With promises
yourFunction('yourParameter1', 'yourParameter2', 'yourParameter3')
.then(result => console.log('Result:', result))
.catch(() => {
console.log('Failed after only 1 attempt');
wrappedFunction('yourParameter1', 'yourParameter2', 'yourParameter3')
.then(result => console.log('Result:', result))
.catch(() => {
console.log('Failed after a maximum of 5 attempts');
With async/await
(async () => {
try {
const result = await yourFunction('yourParameter1', 'yourParameter2', 'yourParameter3');
console.log('Result:', result);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Failed after only 1 attempt');
(async () => {
try {
const result = await wrappedFunction('yourParameter1', 'yourParameter2', 'yourParameter3');
console.log('Result:', result);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Failed after a maximum of 5 attempts');
Things to bear in mind
- It’s worth making sure that
doesn’t already make multiple attempts if a promise rejects (for example if you’re wrapping a third-party function), else you may make more network calls than you’re intending! - If you’re using this software as part of an ongoing web request, consider using a custom back-off function (which delays exponentially by default), or reducing the default number of attempts (5), otherwise the original request may time out.
Migration guide
Upgrading from v1.x.x to v2.x.x
- Calling
now returns a function wrapper foryourFunction
- No more passing your parameters in an awkward options.data object—use the returning function wrapper as you normally would use
- optional overrides are passed in via an options object when wrapping
, where:backoffStrategy
// v1 / Before
const yourParameterObj = { example: 123 };
butYouPromised(yourFunction, {
backoffStrategy: ({ seedDelayInMs }) => {
return attemptsSoFar => (attemptsSoFar * attemptsSoFar) * seedDelayInMs;
data: yourParameterObj,
triesRemaining: 10
// v2 / After
const yourParameterObj = { example: 123 };
const wrappedFunction = butYouPromised(yourFunction, {
// If this is the back-off strategy you’re using, you can omit this now as it’s the default :-)
createBackOffFunction: ({ seedDelayInMs }) => {
return attemptsSoFar => (attemptsSoFar * attemptsSoFar) * seedDelayInMs;
giveUpAfterAttempt: 10
Published under the MIT license.