
Testing imu readings using arduino

Primary LanguageC++

Arduino with IMU

Playing around with a 6DOF IMU (MPU-6050), Arduino, Python and OpenGL

The Arduino Uno is sending pitch and roll data via bluetooth. A python script is receiving the data and displaying a little cube accordingly. The IMU data consists of gyro and accelerometer data, processed by a complementary filter.

Prerequisite Python Libraries

  1. PyOpenGL
  2. Pygame
  3. pySerial


  1. connect Arduion with MPU-6050 (connection diagram can be found at https://bit.ly/2VqX6p5)
  2. Connect the Arduino MPU-6050 bundle to PC
  3. In Arduino IDE, uploading arduino_imu_firmware.ino
  4. In any Python IDE, run boxctrl_6d0f_imu.py


You need:

This was one of my first experiments. I only used the accelerometer. The reaction is very jerky and not precise at all.

Raw accelerotmeter data

Additionally using the gyros and mixing accelerometer and gyro data with a complementary filter improved precision, smoothness and response sensitivity a lot. As an option I also added yaw data from the gyro but that data is not filtered hence the error accumulates up pretty quickly.

Filtered accelerotmeter and gyro data

This is about 10 years old stuff - Here's the wayback link to my discontinued wiki: http://web.archive.org/web/20190626080855/http://mattzz.no-ip.org/wiki/Projects/PlayingWithInertialMeasurementUnits