
laravel-gfycat A package that provides an interface between Laravel and Gfycat

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Gfycat and Stickers

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A package that provides an interface between Laravel and Gfycat API, includes Gifs and Stickers.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ghanem/gfycat

now you need to publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ghanem\Gfycat\GfycatServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  • q - search query term or phrase
  • s - search query term or phrase
  • limit - (optional) number of results to return, maximum 100. Default 25.
  • offset - (optional) results offset, defaults to 0.
  • rating - (optional) limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • lang - (optional) specify default country for regional content; format is 2-letter ISO 639-1 country code. See list of supported langauges here




Search all Gfycat GIFs for a word or phrase. Punctuation will be stripped and ignored. On this case, $gfycats is an array.

Method: Gfycat::search($query, $limit = 25, $offset = 0, $rating = null, $lang = null)

$gfycats = Gfycat::search('cat');

foreach ($gfycats->data as $gfycat) {
    // Get id

	// Get image original url

	// Get image original mp4 url


You can do a dd($gfycats) to see all attributes:

{#162 ▼
  +"data": array:25 [▼
    0 => {#163 ▼
      +"type": "gif"
      +"id": "W80Y9y1XwiL84"
      +"slug": "gift-W80Y9y1XwiL84"
      +"url": "http://gfycat.com/gifs/gift-W80Y9y1XwiL84"
    1 => {#182 ▶}
    2 => {#202 ▶}


The translate API draws on search, but uses the Gfycat "special sauce" to handle translating from one vocabulary to another.

Method: Gfycat::translate($query, $rating = null, $lang = null)

$gfycat= Gfycat::translate('cat');

// Get id

// Get image original url

// Get image original mp4 url


You can do a dd($gfycat) to see all attributes:

{#162 ▼
  +"data": {#163 ▼
    +"type": "gif"
    +"id": "3oz8xQQP4ahKiyuxHy"
    +"images": {#165 ▼
      +"original": {#180 ▼
        +"url": "http://media3.gfycat.com/media/3oz8xQQP4ahKiyuxHy/gfycat.gif"
        +"width": "480"
        +"height": "352"
        +"size": "3795005"
        +"frames": "33"
        +"mp4": "http://media3.gfycat.com/media/3oz8xQQP4ahKiyuxHy/gfycat.mp4"
        +"mp4_size": "132229"
        +"webp": "http://media3.gfycat.com/media/3oz8xQQP4ahKiyuxHy/gfycat.webp"
        +"webp_size": "756840"


Fetch GIFs currently trending online. On this case, $gfycats is an array.

Method: Gfycat::trending($limit = 25, $rating = null)

$gfycats = Gfycat::trending();

foreach ($gfycats->data as $gfycat) {
    // Get id

	// Get image original url

	// Get image original mp4 url


You can do a dd($gfycats) to see all attributes:

{#162 ▼
  +"data": array:25 [▼
    0 => {#163 ▼
      +"type": "gif"
      +"id": "l2SqiAELInKQ8rF0Q"
      +"slug": "2dopequeens-podcast-2-dope-queens-l2SqiAELInKQ8rF0Q"
      +"url": "http://gfycat.com/gifs/2dopequeens-podcast-2-dope-queens-l2SqiAELInKQ8rF0Q"
    1 => {#183 ▶}
    2 => {#203 ▶}


Returns a random GIF, limited by tag.

Method: Gfycat::random($query, $rating = null)

$gfycat = Gfycat::random('cat');

// Get id

// Get image original url

// Get image mp4 url


You can do a dd($gfycat) to see all attributes:

{#162 ▼
  +"data": {#163 ▼
    +"type": "gif"
    +"id": "qbpRDgYI5JoKk"
    +"url": "http://gfycat.com/gifs/cat-qbpRDgYI5JoKk"
    +"image_original_url": "https://media0.gfycat.com/media/qbpRDgYI5JoKk/gfycat.gif"
  +"meta": {#164 ▼
    +"status": 200
    +"msg": "OK"


Returns meta data about a GIF, by GIF id.

Method: Gfycat::getByID($id)

$gfycat= Gfycat::getByID('qbpRDgYI5JoKk');

// Get id

// Get image original url

// Get image original mp4 url


You can do a dd($gfycat) to see all attributes:

{#162 ▼
  +"data": {#163 ▼
    +"type": "gif"
    +"id": "qbpRDgYI5JoKk"
    +"images": {#164 ▼
      +"original": {#179 ▼
        +"url": "https://media1.gfycat.com/media/qbpRDgYI5JoKk/gfycat.gif"
        +"width": "500"

By IDs

A multiget version of the get GIF by ID endpoint. On this case, $gfycats is an array.

Method: Gfycat::getByIDs(array $ids)

$gfycats = Gfycat::getByIDs(['qbpRDgYI5JoKk','FiGiRei2ICzzG']);

foreach ($gfycats->data as $gfycat) {
    // Get id

	// Get image original url

	// Get image original mp4 url


You can do a dd($gfycats) to see all attributes:

{#162 ▼
  +"data": array:2 [▼
    0 => {#163 ▼
      +"type": "gif"
      +"id": "qbpRDgYI5JoKk"
      +"slug": "cat-qbpRDgYI5JoKk"
    1 => {#182 ▼
      +"type": "gif"
      +"id": "FiGiRei2ICzzG"
      +"slug": "funny-cat-FiGiRei2ICzzG"


The methods of Stickers are similar to the methods Gfycat, so I will omit the examples of dd(), but also you can use it to view all the attributes of objects.

Sticker Search

Search all Sticker for a word or phrase. Punctuation will be stripped and ignored. On this case, $stickers is an array.

Method: Stickers::search($query, $limit = 25, $offset = 0, $rating = null, $lang = null)

$stickers = Stickers::search('dog');

foreach ($stickers->data as $sticker) {
    // Get id

	// Get image original url

	// Get image original mp4 url


Sticker Translate

The translate API draws on search, but uses the Stickers "special sauce" to handle translating from one vocabulary to another.

Method: Stickers::translate($query, $rating = null, $lang = null)

$sticker= Stickers::translate('cat');

// Get id

// Get image original url

// Get image original mp4 url


Sticker Trending

Fetch Stickers currently trending online. On this case, $stickers is an array.

Method: Stickers::trending($limit = 25, $rating = null)

$stickers = Stickers::trending();

foreach ($stickers->data as $sticker) {
    // Get id

	// Get image original url

	// Get image original mp4 url


Sticker Random

Returns a random Sticker, limited by tag.

Method: Stickers::random($query, $rating = null)

$sticker = Stickers::random('cat');

// Get id

// Get image original url

// Get image mp4 url
