
fast and effective way to access java bytecode from java compiled files

Primary LanguageKotlin

JCDB is a pure Java library that allows you to get information about Java bytecode outside the JVM process and to store it in a database. While Java Reflection makes it possible to inspect code at runtime, JCDB does the same for bytecode stored in a file system.

JCDB uses ASM framework for reading and parsing java bytecode.

Information about classes, hierarchies, annotations, methods, fields, and their usages is stored in SQLite database — either in-memory or persistent. Persisted data can be reused between restarts. Accessing the persistent storage from multiple processes simultaneously is not supported.

To start creating database, JCDB gets a list of JAR-files or build directories:

interface JCDB {

    suspend fun classpath(dirOrJars: List<File>): JcClasspath

    suspend fun load(dirOrJar: File)
    suspend fun load(dirOrJars: List<File>)

    suspend fun refresh()

JcClasspath represents the set of classpath items. Each item occurs only once here — otherwise, in case of collision, like in JAR hell, only one random class could win.

interface JcClasspath {

    val locations: List<ByteCodeLocation>

    fun findClassOrNull(name: String): JcClassOrInterface?
    fun findTypeOrNull(name: String): JcType?


API has two levels: the one representing in filesystem (bytecode and classes) and the one appearing at runtime (types).

  • bytecode and classes — represent data from class files: class with methods, fields, etc.
  • types — represent types that can be nullable, parameterized, etc.

Both levels are connected to JcClasspath. You can't modify classes retrieved from pure bytecode. types may be constructed manually by generics substitution.


JcClasspath#findClassOrNull returns an instance of JcClassOrInterface from locations. If there is no class in locations, findClassOrNull returns null.

JcClassOrInterface represents JVM bytecode:

interface JcClassOrInterface {

    val location: ByteCodeLocation

    val name: String
    val simpleName: String

    val methods: List<JcMethod>
    val fields: List<JcField>

    val superClass: JcClassOrInterface?
    val interfaces: List<JcClassOrInterface>
    val interClasses: List<JcClassOrInterface>
    val outerClass: JcClassOrInterface?


interface JcMethod {
    val name: String

    val enclosingClass: JcClassOrInterface
    val returnClass: JcClassOrInterface?
    val parameters: List<JcParameter>

    fun body(): MethodNode?

Usage example:

suspend fun findNormalDistribution(): Any {
    val commonsMath32 = File("commons-math3-3.2.jar")
    val commonsMath36 = File("commons-math3-3.6.1.jar")
    val buildDir = File("my-project/build/classes/java/main")
    val database = jcdb {

    // Let's load these three bytecode locations
    database.load(listOf(commonsMath32, commonsMath36, buildDir))

    // This method just refreshes the libraries inside the database. If there are any changes in libs then 
    // the database updates data with the new results.

    // Let's assume that we want to get bytecode info only for `commons-math3` version 3.2.
    val jcClass = database.classpath(commonsMath32, buildDir)

    // At this point the database read the method bytecode and return the result.
    return jcClass.methods[0].body()

Note: the body method returns null if the to-be-processed JAR-file was changed or removed.

If a classpath item is inappropriate you may receive NoClassInClasspathException at runtime.

The database can watch for file system changes in the background and refresh the JAR-files explicitly:

    val database = jcdb {
        watchFileSystemChanges = true
        loadByteCode(listOf(lib1, buildDir)) 

    // A user rebuilds the buildDir folder.
    // The database re-reads the rebuilt directory in the background.


type can be represented as one of

  • primitives
  • classes
  • arrays
  • bounded and unbounded wildcards

It represents runtime behavior according to parameter substitution in the given generic type:

    open class A<T> {
        val x: T

    class B: A<String>()

    fun main() {
        val b = classpath.findClass<B>().toType()
        println(b.fields.first { it.name == "x"}.fieldType == cp.findClass<String>().toType()) // will print `true` 


The instances of JcClassOrInterface, JcMethod, and JcClasspath are thread-safe and immutable.

JcClasspath represents an independent snapshot of classes, which cannot be modified since it is created. Removing or modifying library files does not affect JcClasspath instance structure. The JcClasspath#close method releases all snapshots and cleans up the persisted data if some libraries are outdated.

    val database = jcdb {
        loadByteCode(listOf(lib1, buildDir))
    val cp = database.classpath(buildDir)
    database.refresh() // does not affect cp classes

    val cp1 = database.classpath(buildDir) // will use new version of compiled results in buildDir

If there is a request for a JcClasspath instance containing the libraries, which haven't been indexed yet, the indexing process is triggered and the new instance of the JcClasspath set is returned.

    val database = jcdb {
    val cp = database.classpath(buildDir) // database will automatically process buildDir

JCDB is thread-safe. If one requests JcClasspath instance while loading JAR-files from another thread, JcClasspath can represent only a consistent state of the JAR-files being loaded. It is the completely loaded JAR-file that appears in JcClasspath. Please note: there is no guarantee that all the JAR-files, submitted for loading, will be actually loaded.

    val db = jcdb {
    thread(start = true) {
        db.load(listOf(lib1, lib2))
    thread(start = true) {
        // maybe created when lib2 or both are not loaded into database
        // but buildDir will be loaded anyway
        val cp = db.classpath(buildDir)

Bytecode loading

Bytecode loading consists of two steps:

  • retrieving information about the class names from the JAR-files or build directories
  • reading classes bytecode from the JAR-files or build directories and processing it (persisting data, setting up JcFeature implementations, etc.)

JCDB or JcClasspath instances are returned right after the first step is performed. You retrieve the final representation of classes during the second step. It is possible that the .class files undergo changes at some moment between the first step and the second, and classes representation is affected accordingly.

For architecture and other technical information please visit the design page.