
This is a practice project for beginners who are learning NUXTJS framework, In this project API call is done

Primary LanguageVue

Store - Nuxt 3 E-commerce Application

Key Pages

Home Page (Index)

Home Page

The home page serves as the main landing page for our e-commerce store. It features:

  • A clean, modern design showcasing featured products
  • A responsive grid layout for product listings
  • Search functionality to help users find specific items
  • Filtering options for product categories
  • Add to cart buttons for quick shopping

The design focuses on user-friendly navigation and attractive product presentation to engage visitors and encourage exploration of the store's offerings.

Shopping Cart Page

Shopping Cart Page

The shopping cart page provides a comprehensive overview of the user's selected items:

  • Detailed list of products added to the cart
  • Product images, names, quantities, and individual prices
  • Total price calculation for all items in the cart
  • Options to update quantities or remove items
  • A clear call-to-action button to proceed to checkout

This page is designed to give users full control over their selections before proceeding to purchase.

Checkout Page

Checkout Page

The checkout page streamlines the purchasing process:

  • Summary of cart contents
  • Form for shipping information
  • Options for selecting shipping method
  • Payment method selection
  • Order total with breakdown (subtotal, shipping, taxes)
  • Clear and prominent 'Place Order' button

The checkout process is designed to be straightforward and secure, ensuring a smooth transaction experience for the user.


This project is a practice e-commerce store built using the Nuxt 3 framework. It serves as an excellent learning resource for beginners who are exploring Nuxt.js and want to understand how to integrate API calls into their applications.

Live Demo: https://fakestoreee.netlify.app/


  • Product listing
  • Shopping cart functionality
  • Search functionality
  • Responsive design
  • API integration

Technologies Used

  • Nuxt 3
  • Vue.js 3
  • TypeScript
  • Java script
  • Local storage

Project Structure

The project follows the standard Nuxt 3 directory structure:

  • components/: Contains reusable Vue components
  • layouts/: Defines the overall structure of pages
  • pages/: Contains the main views of the application
  • plugins/: Includes Vue plugins and other JavaScript modules
  • public/: Stores static assets
  • server/: Contains server-side logic (if any)

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Abdulmehad/Store.git
    cd Store
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
    # or
    yarn install
    # or
    pnpm install
  3. Run the development server:

    npm run dev
    # or
    yarn dev
    # or
    pnpm dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Building for Production

To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.


The components/ directory likely includes reusable UI elements such as:

  • ProductCard: Displays individual product information
  • SearchBar: Allows users to search for products
  • ShoppingCart: Manages the user's selected items
  • Navbar: Navigation component for the application


The layouts/ directory may contain:

  • default.vue: The main layout wrapper for pages
  • error.vue: Custom error page layout


The pages/ directory probably includes:

  • index.vue: Home page with product listings
  • product/[id].vue: Individual product details page
  • cart.vue: Shopping cart page
  • checkout.vue: Checkout process page

API Integration

This project demonstrates how to make API calls in a Nuxt 3 application. It likely uses the useFetch composable or $fetch utility provided by Nuxt to interact with an external API (possibly Fake Store API).

State Management

While not explicitly mentioned, the project may use Pinia for state management, which is common in Nuxt 3 applications. This would handle global states like the shopping cart and user preferences.


The project appears to use CSS for styling, providing a responsive and customizable design system.


The application is deployed on Netlify, showcasing how to host a Nuxt 3 application on a static hosting platform.

Learning Outcomes

By working on this project, developers can learn:

  • Setting up a Nuxt 3 project
  • Creating and organizing components in Vue 3
  • Implementing routing in Nuxt 3
  • Making API calls and handling asynchronous data
  • State management in a Vue/Nuxt application
  • Responsive design implementation
  • Deploying a Nuxt application


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.

This README provides a comprehensive overview of the project, its structure, setup instructions, and the key concepts it covers. It's designed to give both contributors and learners a clear understanding of the project's scope and the technologies involved.