# Bookstore Application

## Overview

The Bookstore Application is a .NET-based application that enables users to manage books and sales data. It leverages PostgreSQL for data storage and utilizes the Bogus library to generate fake data for testing purposes.

## Requirements

- .NET SDK 8.0 or higher
- PostgreSQL database 11 or higher

## Setup

1. **Clone the repository:**
   git clone https://github.com/Abdulrosheed/OnlineBookStore
2. **Update database connection string:**
    Update the database connection string in appsettings.json with your PostgreSQL credentials.
3. **Run the following command to update the database with the migration file:**
    dotnet ef database update
4. **To start the application, use the following command:**
    dotnet run
5. **Upon running the application, fake data will be generated to populate the database.**