
Image Enhancement describes methods to enhance images for either human consumption or for further automatic operations. Perhaps we need to reduce noise in the image; or, certain image details need to be emphasized or suppressed. Other appropriate terms often used are filter- ing, enhancement, or conditioning. The major notion is that the image contains some signal or structure, which we want to extract, along with uninteresting or unwanted variation, which we want to suppress. If de- cisions are made about the image, they are made at the level of a single pixel or its local neighborhood. We have already seen how we might la- bel an image pixel as object versus background or boundary versus not boundary. Image processing has both theory and methods that can found in sev- eral books. Only a few classical image processing concepts are covered in our class lectures. Most methods presented use the important notion that each pixel of the output image is computed from a local neighbor- hood of the corresponding pixel in the input image. However, a few of the enhancement methods are global in that all of the input image pixels are used in some way in creating the output image.

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