
Yet Another Registration System

Group Members

ID Name
UGR/22574/13 Abel Wendemu
UGR/22505/13 Besufikad Micheal
UGR/22779/13 Eden Birhan
UGR/22512/13 Ephrem Getachew
UGR/22527/13 Naol Chala
UGR/22734/13 Samuel Teklemariam

How to run

⚠ Make sure the backend is running before running the frontend

  1. Clone the Project & cd YARS-Frontend-React
  2. run the command npm install
  3. after all the packages installed npm run dev

Contributing to the Project


  1. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b your-branch-name
  2. Make your changes:
    • Follow project-specific guidelines (see below).
    • Commit changes with clear and concise messages.
  3. Push your changes:
    git push origin your-branch-name
  4. Open a pull request:
    • Select the desired branch (e.g., dev, feature/my-new-feature).
    • Describe your changes clearly.

Project-Specific Guidelines

  • API Functions:

    • Store them in utilities/api.
    • Refer to example.js for structure.
    • Use baseUrl from api.config.js.
    • To send request with admin tokens, wrap your headers with withAdminTokenHeader function.
    axios.get(<URL>, withAdminTokenHeader())
    axios.get(<URL>, withAdminTokenHeader({additional headers here}))

Additional Notes

  • Clear commit messages help reviewers.
  • Ask questions and seek guidance in project channels.