
Resource archive for learning basic programming skills.

A Guide To Become A Developer

This Is resource Archive For Folks That Want To Become a Devloper

Web Development

Note: After You Learned Something New Do Project On it for Project Ideas you can visit Frontend Mentor

Note: After Learing JavaScript And Build Some Vanila Projects You Can Deep Dive into FrameWorks like Angular, React, Vue and Svelete

Other Dev Resource Archives

Version Control System


  • Clone the repo
  • Create row using Table generator for new technology, programming language or tech stack.
  • If u want add in the existing resource copy the table code from this markdown file and paste in Table generator and edit it carefully.
  • Create pull request.


  • Make sure you go over the roadmap of specific technology or stack before you start using the resources.
  • Some of the links for the udemy courses might be broken so try to check the other resources.
  • If u want to request resources, report broken links or having other issues feel free to contact me on my socials.
Technology/Stack Udemy Youtube Books/Sites Roadmap Tools/IDEs
Web development Udemy-The-Complete-2021-Web-Development-Bootcamp The Net Ninja - Youtube

Traversy Media - Web Development 2023
w3schools Frontend
Browsers Chrome, Firefox
Text editors VSCode, Sublime text, WebStorm
Python Tech With Tim - Youtube

Programming with Mosh - Youtube
Introduction to programming using python

Real python

Official documentation
Python roadmap Interpreter Python
Text editor/ IDE VSCode, Sublime text, Pycharm
Java The-Complete-Java-Developer-Course-Mastering-Java-from-zero thenewboston - Youtube

Programming with Mosh - Youtube
Introduction to java programming Java roadmap Compiler JDK
IDE Intelij IDEA, Netbeans, Eclipse
C++ Mastering c++ programming from zero to mastery thenewboston - Youtube C++ roadmap Compiler Mingw, GCC and G++
IDE Codeblocks, Clion, Dev cpp
Golang Tech With Tim - Youtube golangdocs

Official documentation
Golang roadmap Compiler Go
IDE VSCode ,Goland
Dart and Flutter Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2023 Edition] Reso Coder

Hey Flutter