Here's a summary of the key actions taken in the script:

  1. Data is filtered to include records where the "continent" field is not null and sorted by the third and fourth columns.

  2. A query is used to select specific columns for analysis, including location, date, total cases, new cases, total deaths, and population, ordered by location and date.

  3. The script calculates the death percentage by location, dividing total deaths by total cases and converting the result into a percentage. It filters records where the location contains "states" and orders by location and date.

  4. The percentage of the population affected by COVID-19 is computed by dividing total deaths by population and converting the result into a percentage.

  5. The countries with the highest infection rates relative to their population are identified by calculating the percentage of the population affected.

  6. The countries with the highest death counts relative to their population are identified.

  7. The continents with the highest death counts are identified.

  8. Global numbers for total cases, total deaths, and death percentages are calculated, grouped by date.

  9. Data related to population vs. vaccinations is selected and aggregated, showing rolling people vaccinated.

  10. A Common Table Expression (CTE) is used to perform the same operation with the benefit of a cleaner, reusable query.

  11. A temporary table, #PercentPopulationVaccinated, is created to store data temporarily and calculate the percentage of the population vaccinated.

  12. A view named PercentPopulationVaccinated is created to store data for later visualization.

This SQL script is designed for in-depth data analysis and visualization in the context of COVID-19 data, combining information from the CovidDeath and CovidVaccination tables.