[x] What is CQRS
As described by microsoft CQRS stands for Command and Query Responsibility Segregation, a pattern that separates read and update operations for a data store. Implementing CQRS in > your application can maximize its performance, scalability, and security. The flexibility created by migrating to CQRS allows a system to better evolve > over time and prevents update commands from causing merge conflicts at the domain level.
[x] What is Mediator
Mediator is a behavioral design pattern that lets you reduce chaotic dependencies between objects. The pattern restricts direct communications between the objects and forces them to collaborate only via a mediator object
[x] the idea is to merge between them and make simple way to code
if you are comming from .net there is library called
this one is similar to it
There are 2 types of commands , ICommand
& IQuery
- First create your command & CommandHandler
class MyCommand extends ICommand {}
class CommandHandler extends ICommandHandler<MyCommand> {
void call(MyCommand command){
// your code here
- Then use it
void main(){
Mediator.instance.registerHandler(()=> CommandHandler());
/// later in your code
- First create your command & AsyncCommandHandler
class MyAsyncCommand extends IAsyncCommand {}
class MyAsyncCommandHandler extends IAsyncCommandHandler<MyAsyncCommand> {
void call(MyCommand command){
// your code here
- Then use it
void main(){
Mediator.instance.registerHandler(()=> MyAsyncCommandHandler());
/// later in your code
[x] Note when register the same instance twice then one only be registered
/// will called only one time
Mediator.instance.registerHandler(()=> CommandHandler());
Mediator.instance.registerHandler(()=> CommandHandler());
- First create your Query & QueryHandler
class MyQuery extends IQuery<String> {}
class QueryHandler extends IQueryHandler<String,MyQuery> {
string call(MyQuery query){
return 'Your result';
- Then use it
void main(){
Mediator.instance.registerHandler(()=> QueryHandler());
/// later in your code
/// get result from the first handler
var result= Mediator.instance.run(MyQuery());
/// get result from all handlers
var result= Mediator.instance.runAll(MyQuery());
- First create your AsyncQuery & AsyncQueryHandler
class MyAsyncQuery extends IAsyncQuery<String> {}
class AsyncQueryHandler extends IAsyncQueryHandler<String,MyAsyncQuery> {
Future<string> call(MyAsyncQuery query){
return 'Your result';
- Then use it
void main(){
Mediator.instance.registerHandler(()=> AsyncQueryHandler());
/// later in your code
onPressed:() async{
/// get result from the first handler
var result=await Mediator.instance.run(MyQuery());
/// get result from all handlers
var result=await Future.wait( Mediator.instance.runAll(MyQuery()));