Election Analysis


In this project, Python was used to analyze the election results and calculate county-by-county data in a recent Colorado election.


  • There were 369,711 votes cast in the election, as shown in the below screenshot of the vote total from the analysis. Total Votes

  • Jefferson County contributed 38,855 votes (10.5% of the total), Denver County contributed 306,055 votes (82.8% of the total), and Arapahoe County contributed 24,801 votes (6.7% of the total), as shown in the below screenshot of the analysis. County Votes

  • Denver County had the largest number of votes.

  • Charles Casper Stockham received 85,213 votes (23.0% of the total), Diana DeGette received 272,892 votes (73.8% of the total), and Raymon Anthony Doane received 11,606 votes (3.1% of the total), as shown in the below screenshot from the analysis. Candidate Votes

  • Diana DeGette won the election with 272,892 votes (73.8% of the total).


The script written for this analysis can be used for any election. The .csv file containing the election data would have to be changed to one corresponding to a different election, of course, in order to analyze a different election. As long as the file is in the same format it should work fine though. And if you want to use this script in something other than a state election, the script could be modified to output data for neighborhoods instead of counties (for a county election) or states instead of counties (for a federal election).