
Primary LanguageRuby


Netlify Status


CommandBlog is a Blog web application build with privacy and security in mind. Sign-up with your e-mail and start sharing with the world.


CommandBlog An user should be able to signup using a personal email and password. After the user has succesfully created an acccount, the user can create and share new articles.


  • Create back-end Full CRUD using Ruby On Rails.
  • Create front-end Full CRUD using ReactJS.
  • Style front-end using CSS Grid, Flexbox and Semantic UI.
  • Implement Authentication for the Users.


Supporting libraries and dependencies, and their role in the project.

Library Description
React Front-end Library.
React Router Routing for React.
React SemanticUI Front-end UI Framework.
Axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
Rails Web application development framework.
PostgreSQL Open source object-relational database system.
JSON Web Token Secure way of transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.
bcrypt A library to help you hash passwords.
CORS Middleware that can be used to enable CORS with various options.

Client (Front End)


Wireframes section to display desktop, tablet and mobile views.

Dummy Link

  • Wireframe

Dummy Link

  • Tablet Resource Index

Dummy Link

  • Mobile Resource Index

Component Tree

Structure of how your React components are being rendered. This should show the parent to child relation between you components. In other words, show which components are rendering the other components.

Dummy Link

  • Main Components

Component Hierarchy

React components and the data architecture of app. Expected your directory/file tree.

|__ assets/
      |__ fonts
      |__ graphics
      |__ images
      |__ mockups

|__ components/
      |__ Header.jsx
      |__ Main.jsx
      |__ Footer.jsx
      |__ shared/
        |__ Articles.jsx
        |__ Caterories.jsx
        |__ Article.jsx
        |__ Category.jsx
|__ App.js

|__ services/

Component Breakdown

Use this section to go into further depth regarding your components, including breaking down the components as stateless or stateful, and considering the passing of data between those components.

Component Type state props Description
Header functional n n The header will contain the navigation and logo.
Main class n n The main will provide a link to each of the pages.
Articles class y n The gallery will render the posts using cards in flexbox.
Article functional n y The cards will render the post info via props.
Footer functional n n The footer will show info about me and a link to my portfolio.

Component Estimates

Use this section to estimate the time necessary to build out each of the components you've described above.

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Add Contact Form L 3 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs
Create CRUD Actions H 3 hrs 1 hrs TBD
TOTAL 6 hrs 3 hrs TBD

Why is this necessary? Time frames are key to the development cycle. You have limited time to code your app, and your estimates can then be used to evaluate possibilities of your MVP and post-MVP based on time needed. It's best you assume an additional hour for each component, as well as a few hours added to the total time, to play it safe.

Server (Back End)

ERD Model

Dummy Link



  • Add error handling on the backend.
  • Add test to the frontend.
  • .

Code Showcase

Use this section to include a brief code snippet of functionality that you are proud of and a brief description.

Code Issues & Resolutions

Use this section to list of all major issues encountered and their resolution, if you'd like.