
GENEA Challenge visualiser running in local

Primary LanguagePython

GENEA Local renderer

A minimal code needed to run GENEA visualiser in local

If you need to use the 2023 3D mesh, should just need to replace the gesturer_mesh.fbx file (normally ?)


  • Install Blender (tested on Blender 2.83, 2.91 and 3.3)
  • Install Python (>= 3.8, tested on 3.11)
  • Install requirements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  • Launch main.py script


The repo is only 2 script, one to launch a render on multiple files/folders, the other is the actual blender script with several options :

- main.py

All path should be absolute as the blender process will be separate, relative folders can break it :

  • blender_path : The path to your blender executable
  • input_path : The path to the base folder for input bvh
  • output_path : The path to the base folder for output video
  • models : This list depict all input_path subfolders to loop through

The script will just loop through all .bvh files found in each model subfolder.

- blender_render.py

Those settings affect performance and quality of the final render :

  • bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x : Width of the output video
  • bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y : Height of the output video
  • bpy.context.scene.render.fps : Framerate of the output video (.bvh data are scaled on the framerate)
  • 3 rendering engines are available (end of the script), by default 'Workbench', the fastest one, is used, if you want to go fancy, I put Cycles & EEVEE code (with GPU/CUDA support)

If you need help, feel free to contact me !