I am passionate about data science and web development. Proficient in Python and BI tools such Power BI. Please check out my LinkedIn. Let's connect.
@African Leadership UniversityLuanda, Angola
Pinned Repositories
/* This is a draft version a blog I created from scratch in my year 3 for my roomate. Find the full website here */ http://ahmedkonneh.herokuapp.com
I have deployed a static website using AWS S3 bucket. It was pretty cool and easy
I used the **earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk** APIs to create an android app that queries their website for earchquake events in XML format and use the android XMLParser to create earthquake items which I present in a quite polished UI
I used the worldbank APIs to create a data driven platform that shares development of digital infrastructure in different countries. The results from the worldbank are in json format and I use the ajax json method to parse and present it in an aesthetic way.
A personal blog build on java maven
A working subcribe to our newsletter page of my co-founded Podcast We talk about entrepreneurship, motivation, studies and other issues surrounding the aspiring entrepreneur youth in Angola. http://resiliencia-podcast.herokuapp.com
AbelKinkela's Repositories
/* This is a draft version a blog I created from scratch in my year 3 for my roomate. Find the full website here */ http://ahmedkonneh.herokuapp.com
I have deployed a static website using AWS S3 bucket. It was pretty cool and easy
I used the **earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk** APIs to create an android app that queries their website for earchquake events in XML format and use the android XMLParser to create earthquake items which I present in a quite polished UI
I used the worldbank APIs to create a data driven platform that shares development of digital infrastructure in different countries. The results from the worldbank are in json format and I use the ajax json method to parse and present it in an aesthetic way.
A personal blog build on java maven
This is a repository of my java projects in the year 3 of my degree in computer science. A set of challenges and learning activities developed throughout the year. This includes command line based programs such as the payrollsystem textventuregame an ADT system The ADT system introduces the DAOS Architecture Pattern which allows the isolation of application/business layer from the persistence layer
Online resources for Python Crash Course (Second Edition), from No Starch Press
/* GAME RULES: - The game has 2 players, playing in rounds - In each turn, a player rolls a dice as many times as he whishes. Each result get added to his ROUND score - BUT, if the player rolls a 1, all his ROUND score gets lost. After that, it's the next player's turn - The player can choose to 'Hold', which means that his ROUND score gets added to his GLBAL score. After that, it's the next player's turn - The first player to reach 100 points on GLOBAL score wins the game */
A working subcribe to our newsletter page of my co-founded Podcast We talk about entrepreneurship, motivation, studies and other issues surrounding the aspiring entrepreneur youth in Angola. http://resiliencia-podcast.herokuapp.com
Built for security(Authentication, Authorization and accounting are properly handled and System Admin has all the priveleges). This python program automates tickets requests and processing for an Audio Visual(AV) university department. The AV team members, University Admin and University faculty staff are the main users of the system.
This project is part of the module web-platform development coursework (Nov-Dec, 2019)
book your cleaning with weeza. we offer a unique value proposition with affordable cleaning services targeted at local work offices and vilas. we also promote cleaning products such as detergents