Frequency Bias Experiments

This repository allows for both training and evaluating frequency bias in CNNs. Currently supported datasets are:

  • VGGFace2
  • ILSVRC2017/RestrictedImageNet (as defined by Ilyas et al 2019)
  • SVHN
  • CIFAR10

This README walks the reader through the process of reproducing the experiments of A Systematic Study of Frequency Bias in CNN (publication pending), from pre-processing to graphics generation.

Dataset Pre-processing

CIFAR10 and SVHN datasets can be used as they are provided by the Keras and Tensorflow libraries respectively.

The two other datasets require some preprocessing. We include the "data" folder with the scripts used to preprocess the data, but not the data itself.

For ILSVRC2017/ImageNet the pre_process_RestrictedImageNet crops images and groups them in the 9 super-classes used in RestrictedImageNet, organizing folders in a way that's convenient for the Keras ImageDataGenerator's "flow_from_directory" method

For VGGFace2, "" will crop and center images, while "" will consolidate the disperse information in various csvs provided in the VGGFace2 dataset into a single pandas dataframe/csv.

Since VGGFace2 is not a classification dataset, we need to construct train/test splits of our own. This is done through the "train_test_split_VGG" method, which receives the aforementioned VGGFace2 dataframe's path and splits it into a train and a test one.

Model Training

Model training is done through the "train_model_*" family of python scripts. Originally it was intended for it to be a single script, but particularities of each dataset made it easier to separate each case in a different file. As a result, the code is not exactly DRY as it is now.

Models' architectures are imported from "", which serves as an interface for Keras' default models aswell as our own implementation of some architectures.

The training script saves model weights into the model_weights folder and generates a pickle of the history dictionary generated by Keras during training recording relevant training statistics.

Model Frequency Bias Estimation estimate the frequency bias of a given trained model on a given dataset. He estimates the test dataset energy distribution and the frequency bands according to our method (see paper). After that he calculates the baseline performance of the model on the test dataset, and the performance on the distorted versions of the dataset. The script generates a pickle containing a dictionary of the results.

Dataset Example Generation cherrypicks random examples of a dataset, as well as produces the distorted versions of each example according to our method (see paper). The script generates a pickle as a result.

Results Compilation

Results compilation and graphics are done through the Results.ipynb jupyter notebook.