
Backend Documentation

Database Backend Documentation by Infinidrix

Typical Use Cases

Starting Client Session

// entry point is SessionManager Class

// exception thrown if there is no username and password matching the one specified

UserSession userSession = SessionManager.createUserSession(String username, String Password) throws NoMatchingRows

// Also able to create user by sending the values for the columns as an ArrayList which will be used to insert row into table and return a user object which can be used to create session (and also to modify the column values)

// execption thrown in case if repeated primary key

User user = SessionManager.createUser(ArrayList credentials) throws InvalidEntry // to create UserSession

UserSession userSession = SessionManager.createUserSession(user)

// You can also create an unsigned user session if the user is going to sign up after they choose a flight

// you need to supply uniqueID used to hold seat

UnsignedUserSession unsignedUserSession = SessionManager.createUnsignedUserSession(String UniqueID)

Starting Admin Session

// Similar with User session creation. Username and password is hardcoded to ‘root’

//throws if supplied username and password are not ‘root’

AdminSession adminSession = SessionManager.createAdminSession(String username, String password)

Performing Client Operations

All these operations can be called from either UserSession or UnsignedUserSession

Find Flights with arrivalDate, departureDate, arrivalCity, and departureCity

// returned is an ArrayList of Flight details each stored as a hashmap with keys being the column names and values being the values in those columns

// on a side note the classes User (for passenger), Aircraft, Location, and Flight have a method called getAttributes() that returns a hashmap of the same style

ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> flightsListed = findFlights(Timestamp arrivalDate, Timestamp departureDate, String arrivalCity, String departureCity)

Find booked seats for flights

//returned is an ArrayList of Seat numbers

ArrayList bookedSeats = findBookedSeats(String flightID)

Check if session is still alive

// returns a Boolean that is true is session is still on and false if session is expired

Boolean isAlive = isSessionAlive()

Hold seat for passenger

// reserves a seat for passenger

// throws overbooking error if passenger has reserved another seat without paying

holdSeat(String flightID) throws OverbookingError

UnsignedUserSession operations

addCredentials(ArrayList creds) throws InvalidEntry

if this method executes successfully then Unsigned user can make the same calls as user session

UserSession operations

// UserSession throws an OverBooking exception on holdSeat method if User has another Flight at that time

Modify User fields

User user = UserSession.getUser()

//user class is discussed later

Register baggage

// an ArrayList of ArrayList containing 2 elements: BaggageTag and Weight (in that order) registerBaggage(ArrayList<ArrayList> info, String flightID)


//Checks In user

checkIn(String flightID)

Book flight

reserveFlight(String flightID, String ticketClass, String seatNumber) throws OverbookingError, SessionExpired

Admin Session operations

public Flight findFlight(String flightID) throws NoMatchingRow {
public Location findLocation(String locationID) throws NoMatchingRow {
public Aircraft findAircraft(String aircraftID) throws NoMatchingRow {
public void addLocation(ArrayList<String> creds) throws InvalidEntry {
public void addAircraft(ArrayList<String> creds) throws InvalidEntry {
public void addFlight(ArrayList<String> creds) throws InvalidEntry{

User Flight Location and Aircraft Classes implement DataManger Interface which has the following methods // refresh the values of the object by syncing with database void sync();

// saves the changes in object to the database
void update() throws InvalidEntry;

// returns a HashMap whose keys are the attributes and values are the 
// values of those attributes
HashMap<String, String> getAttributes();

// generate object by reading a row of the database
// doesn't move ResultSet to next entry
void readRow(ResultSet row);

other than that each class has a set and get method for each of the attribute that you can change then call the update method to update the database