A safe and secure platform for whistle blowers to expose the misdeeds of organizations secured by the primary fundamental of blockchain, i.e. anonymity.
Clone this repository in your local computer.
Command : git clone [https://github.com/Tanmay000009/whistle-blower
Run command prompt in the local folder of project. Make sure node.js is installed.
Run the command :
npm i
Create a file named config.env and add your MongoDB credentials.
Run command :
node index.js
- Abhishek Asgola
- Riya Bansal
- Sujana Kola
- Tanmay Vyas
- Soham Bhattacharjee
Track - Open Innovations
To navigate to the ppt :
- Open the folder "presentation."
- Choose the file HACKERS-XD.pptx .