A safe and secure platform for whistle blowers to expose the misdeeds of organizations secured by the primary fundamental of blockchain, i.e. anonymity.

Getting Started

Clone this repository in your local computer. Command : git clone [https://github.com/Tanmay000009/whistle-blower](https://github.com/Tanmay000009/whistle-blower%60)

Run command prompt in the local folder of project. Make sure node.js is installed.

Run the command : npm i

Create a file named config.env and add your MongoDB credentials.

Run command : node index.js

Made with Love and Blockchain by

  1. Abhishek Asgola
  2. Riya Bansal
  3. Sujana Kola
  4. Tanmay Vyas
  5. Soham Bhattacharjee

Track - Open Innovations

To navigate to the ppt :

  1. Open the folder "presentation."
  2. Choose the file HACKERS-XD.pptx .