
This python program uses computer vision to extract two sets of data points(x and y) written in a white sheet of paper. Recognises the digit through a CNN Classifier, arranger the recognised digit according to its coordinated on the image and plots a simple plot using matplotlib library.

Primary LanguagePython


This python program uses computer vision to extract two sets of data points(x and y) written in a white sheet of paper. Recognises the digit through a CNN Classifier, arranger the recognised digit according to its coordinated on the image and plots a simple plot using matplotlib library.
Note: The image must be clear and preferably dark , written on white sheet of paper. That is there should be good contrast between foregrounf and background. This repository aslo contains a simple CNN trainer used for Hand Digit Recogniser. Feel free to include our own model or modify the existing one. Also, the program can seperate only two sets of data points(x,y) written on each half of the image. X- All data left from the center and Y- All data Right from center.