
A MERN eCommerce Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to ToyShop! 🧸🧩

This project is based on a common stack of MERN(MongoDB, Expres, ReactJs, Node.js) to create a ecommerce experience web application. It is not near perfect and is used to get some experience in all of these techonologies to develop efficent applications in the market. Some of the additional features would be adding in the pagination for the products, finishing the Admin side for the order. Being able to place an order with using the PayPal API properly.

Live Demo: https://toyshopapp.herokuapp.com/


Features and Functionalities 🕹️

User Features

  • Able to browse the current products in the database
  • Add products into the cart go till the order

Admin Features

  • Semi Admin Functionality
  • Product Management
  • Order Management

Installation Procedure:

1. Clone this repo by running the following command:

 git clone https://github.com/Abhay2412/ToyShop
 cd ToyShop

2. Now install all the required packages(frontend & backend) by running the following commands:

npm install
cd frontend
npm install

2. Create a .env file in root folder and add the following:

NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5000
MONGO_URI = <your_mongodb_uri>
JWT_SECRET = <yoursecret>
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = <your_paypal_client_id>

3. Now start the react and node server concurrently by running the following command:

#Start the application
npm run dev

4. Open your browser and go to this link for running the frontend:


5. Open your browser and go to this link for running the backend:
