
Basic Banking System using Spring boot and angular with spring security.

Primary LanguageCSS

Banking System With Spring Boot And Angular with Spring Security


This project helps us to understand the basic working of Bank accounts. Some of the functionalities implemented are

  • Account creation
  • Transactions between two accounts
  • Fetching of the transaction history


  • java 1.8.x
  • maven 3.x
  • npm

Steps To Setup Backend

1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/AbhayKatharotiya/BankingSystem.git

2. Move to root directory of backend

3. Build project

    mvn clean install

4. Run project

    java -jar target/backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • Alternatively, you can run the app without packaging it using -
    mvn spring-boot:run

Explore apis in backend

The app defines following APIs.

    POST /api/signup   
    POST /api/user
    GET /api/user
    PUT /api/user
    GET /api/account
    POST /api/transfer
    GET /api/transaction      

Steps To Setup Frontend

1. Move To Frontend Derectory

2. Install Package

    npm install

3. Run Project

    npm start

4. Open url


Application Screenshots


Login image


Register image


Home Page image


Profile image

Transaction History

History image


Transfer image

Future Extension

If a further chance is given to take the project ahead, then with the considerable knowledge in Angular and Spring Boot, I would be happy to invest my skills to build a creative and helpful solution for the society.