Features of App:

--> Phone Number registration using Firebase Authentication.

--> Search locations in search bar.

--> Saving favourite/important places nearby (adding marker by Long Press on map).

--> Adding contact number of place saved (with flexibility of choosing Country Code).

--> Share address of saved place through SMS, applications like WhatsApp, Messanger and many more.

--> See real time distance of saved place from current location.

--> Can call at contact saved for the specific place.


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--> Circle Image View

--> Material Design Library

--> ButterKnife View Binding

--> Glide Media Management

--> Country Phone Code Selector

--> Multidex Support

--> Geofire Location

Developed By:

--> Abhay Singh:Feedback is highly appreciated, report any issues or drop suggestions at:abhay5349singh@gmail.com