This Project is about a mini IMDB clone app in which and named MOVIE-BOX. Here we can search movies based on OMDB API, with search suggestions. Clicking on a particular movie card opens a new movie page for more info. On clicking on the favourite button, we can add a movie to the favourite list which is using local storage to store movies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Project is about a mini IMDB clone app in which and named MOVIE-BOX. Here we can search movies based on OMDB API, with search suggestions. Clicking on a particular movie card opens a new movie page for more info. On clicking on the favourite button, we can add a movie to the favourite list which is using local storage to store movies.

Toos used: HTML, CSS, Bootstarp, Javascript, OMDB API


Search movies with suggestions Click on Movie card for more info Add a movie to the favourites list Delete movie from the favourites list Data

suggestionList - an array which contains a list of movies based on searched keywords. favMovieArray - an array that gets movies from the local storage. movieName - local Storage item which contains the name of clicked movie card.

Functions (in code)

fetchMovies addToSuggestionContainerDOM handleFavBtn addToFavDOM deleteMovie notify

GITHUB host link https://abhaya444.github.io/IMDB-CLONE/