
Blazor implementation of the SweetAlert (a popular javascript modal popup library)

Primary LanguageC#


A simple yet fully configurable Blazor implementation of SweetAlert (a popular javascript modal popups library)

All the methods are defined as Extension Methods on IJSRuntime so no need to inject any additional service


  1. Install the SweetAlertBlazor package to your blazor application. [https://www.nuget.org/packages/SweetAlertBlazor]

  2. Add the SweetAlert script reference to your index.html (for Blazor WebAssembly) or _Host.cshtml (for Blazor Server)

<script src="https://unpkg.com/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js"></script>

  1. Add @using SweetAlertBlazor to the _imports.razor file

  2. Inject the IJSRuntime to the component @inject IJSRuntime Js

  3. Happy coding



This is a sample alert modal popup with all the available options

@inject IJSRuntime Js

//Generate options/configuration model
var swalAlertModel = new SwalModel("Hi this is a simple sweet alert blazor text", "Alert Title")
			.WithIcon(SweetAlert.Icon.Info) // Other Icons are Success, Error and Warning
			.WithButtons(SweetAlert.Button.Ok()) // ButtonText can be configured by using overloads
			.WithCssClass("my-custom-css-class") // To be used if want additional css logic
			.SetClosingOptions(closeOnEscButton: true, closeOnOutsideClick: true);

// Show the alert
 await Js.ShowSwalAsync(swalAlertModel);


// Create positive button
var yesButton = SweetAlert.Button.Yes(() => DoSomething());

// Generate options/configuration model
var swalModel = new SwalModel("There are unsaved changes, Do you want to cancel the changes?", "Are you sure?")
                .WithButtons(yesButton, SweetAlert.Button.No())
		.SetClosingOptions(closeOnEscButton: true, closeOnOutsideClick: true);

// Show the confirm modal
await Js.ShowSwalAsync(swalModel);


// button with click handler
 var button1 = new SweetAlert.Button("Button text 1")
                .WithClickHandler(() =>
//Shorthand version
//var button1 = new SweetAlert.Button("Button text 1", () => { /* //DoSomethingOnThisButtonClick */ });

// button with asynchronous click handler
var button2 = new SweetAlert.Button()
                 .WithText("Button text 2")
                 .WithAsyncClickHandler(async () =>
                      await Task.CompletedTask;
// Shorthand version
// var button2 = new SweetAlert.Button("Button text 2", async () => { await Task.CompletedTask; });

// All options of button
var customButton = new SweetAlert.Button("Custom button text") // Button text
                      .WithCssClass("css-class-name") // this css class will be applied to the button
                      .WithClickHandler(() => { })  // Or Async version .WithAsyncClickHandler(async () => { })
                      .SetVisibilty(isVisible: true); // Whether to show the button or not

// Predefined buttons
var okBtn = SweetAlert.Button.Ok(); // Button text "Ok" with no click handler
var okBtn1 = SweetAlert.Button.Ok(() => {  /* Do something synchronously */}); // Button text "Ok" with synchronous click handler
var okBtn2 = SweetAlert.Button.Ok(async () => {  await Task.CompletedTask; }); // Button text "Ok" with Asynchronous click handler

 var cancelBtn = SweetAlert.Button.Cancel(); // Button text "Cancel" with no click handler
var cancelBtn1 = SweetAlert.Button.Cancel(() => {  /* Do something synchronously */}); // Button text "Cancel" with synchronous click handler
var cancelBtn2 = SweetAlert.Button.Cancel(async () => {  await Task.CompletedTask; }); // Button text "Cancel" with Asynchronous click handler

var yesBtn = SweetAlert.Button.Yes(); // Button text "Yes" with no click handler
var yesBtn1 = SweetAlert.Button.Yes(() => {  /* Do something synchronously */}); // Button text "Yes" with synchronous click handler
var yesBtn2 = SweetAlert.Button.Yes(async () => {  await Task.CompletedTask; }); // Button text "Yes" with Asynchronous click handler

var noBtn = SweetAlert.Button.No(); // Button text "No" with no click handler
var noBtn1 = SweetAlert.Button.No(() => {  /* Do something synchronously */}); // Button text "No" with synchronous click handler
var noBtn2 = SweetAlert.Button.No(async () => {  await Task.CompletedTask; }); // Button text "No" with Asynchronous click handler

Adding multiple buttons

var button1 = new SweetAlert.Button("Button text 1", () => { /* //DoSomethingOnThisButtonClick */ });
var button2 = new SweetAlert.Button("Button text 2", async () => { await Task.CompletedTask; });
var okBtn = SweetAlert.Button.Ok();
var cancelBtn1 = SweetAlert.Button.Cancel(() => {  /* Do something synchronously */});

var swalModel = new SwalModel("Text of the modal popup")
                   .WithButtons(button1, button2, okBtn, cancelBtn1);

await Js.ShowSwalAsync(swalModel);


var buttonsList = new List<SweetAlert.Button>();

var swalModelWithButtonsList = new SwalModel("Text of the modal popup")

await Js.ShowSwalAsync(swalModelWithButtonsList);
All available options of SwalModel
var swalModel = 
	new SwalModel()
	.WithText("Text of the popup")
	.WithTitle("Alert Title")
	.WithButton(SweetAlert.Button.Ok()) // OR .WithButtons(SweetAlert.Button.Ok(), SweetAlert.Button.Cancel())
	.SetClosingOptions(closeOnEscButton: true, closeOnOutsideClick: false)
	.AutoHide(afterSeconds: 5);