
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Week - 1

Problem Statement

Take 100 images of your face with
            1. different face angles
            2. different distance from the camera to the face
            3. different illuminance 
            4. different facial expressions
            5. different facial styles (as far as possible)
Try to take 10 images in each category. Then keep one image as a reference image and compute the root mean square error (RMSE) with the remaining 99 images. Plot the values in the graph with the number of images in the X-axis and RMSE score in the Y-axis. Convert the color images to grayscale images and plot one more graph


Week - 2

Problem Statement

1. Convert the given Lena image to grayscale image. Use the cv2.resize() to down sample the image with 4 sizes  (128*128, 64*64, 32*32, and 16*16).  Display  the original image, and down sampled images with the same display size. Observe what happens

2. Down sample the grayscale Lena image with  8 different intensity ranges of values (0-255, 0-127, 0-63, 0-31, 0-15, 0-7, 0-3, and 0-1). (Note: Size of images are the same). And display all those 8 downsampled images  in the same size display area on the screen. Observe what happens 


Week - 3

Problem Statement

1. Take a Lena image and convert it into grayscale. Create 10 noisy versions of the Lena image by adding additive Gaussian noise with the original image. Take the average of noisy images and display the same. Report the observation made.

2. Take a Lena image and scale it by factors of 1,2,0.5 using bilinear and nearest neighbor interpolation methods. Display the scaled images. Also, display the output of built-in functions for doing scaling by factors of 0.5,1 and 2. Compare the results.


Week - 4

Problem Statement

Download the leaning tower of the PISA image and find the angle of inclination using appropriate rotations with bilinear interpolation.


Week - 5

Problem Statement

1)Do histogram equalization on pout-dark and display the same
2)Do histogram matching (specification) on the pout-dark image, keeping pout-bright as a reference image.


Week - 6

Problem Statement

1) Swap phase of the dog image and magnitude of the lena image and display the output.
2) Swap phase of the lena image and magnitude of the dog image ad display the output

a) Write a function to implement FFT for 1D signal.
b) Implement DFT function for an image using the FFT for 1D signal
c) Consider the images of lena and dog images attached. Find phase and magnitude of the dog and lena images using the DFT function (in b).
d) Compare the results with predefined function


Week - 7

Problem Statement

Image restoration
Consider the lena grayscale image as f(x,y) and apply gaussian filter using builtin function(let it be h). Call the resultant as g(x,y). Now find f(x,y) from g(x,y) using the formula g(x,y) = f(x,y) *h(x,y) (Hint: go through the solution of g = f*h given in the class apply the same for finding f)
In the problem 1, find f(x,y) using g(x,y) = f(x,y)*h + n where n is the noise term. Add noise n using the inbuilt function of salt and pepper noise and find f. Display the results obtained.


How to add Salt and Pepper noise:- https://theailearner.com/tag/salt-and-pepper/

FFT in image restoration:- https://opencv24-python-tutorials.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_imgproc/py_transforms/py_fourier_transform/py_fourier_transform.html

Different types of filtering:- https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d4/d13/tutorial_py_filtering.html