Real-time Prediction of Loan Approval based on Customer Information
Table of contents
Project Overview
Data Wrangling
Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Preprocessing
Modeling and Evaluation
Hyperparameter Tuning and Final Model Selection
Conclusion and Next Steps
This repository contains a comprehensive analysis of a loan eligibility prediction dataset. The project uses several machine learning models to predict whether a loan would be approved or not based on a number of different factors.
Project Overview
The dataset consists of a number of variables including loan ID, gender, marital status, employment type, level of education, property area, and loan status (approved/rejected). The main goal of this project is to build an accurate model that can predict whether a loan application would be approved or not.
Data Wrangling
The raw data was preprocessed for analysis:
Loaded the data from a CSV file Explored the dataset's info and description Handled missing values by replacing them with the mode for categorical variables and with the median for numerical variables Detected and removed outliers in 'ApplicantIncome', 'CoapplicantIncome' and 'LoanAmount' features
Exploratory Data Analysis
An extensive exploratory data analysis was conducted to understand the relationship between different variables:
Plotted various graphs and visualizations to understand the distribution of the different variables Visualized the correlation matrix to see if there are any strongly correlated features Visualized the count of approved and not approved loans for different categories
Data Preprocessing
For the machine learning models to work, some preprocessing steps were required:
Dropped the 'Loan_ID' column, which is a unique identifier and doesn't contribute to the model Used label encoding to convert categorical values to numeric values Used log transformation to reduce the skewness of 'ApplicantIncome' and 'CoapplicantIncome'
Modeling and Evaluation
Several machine learning models were built and evaluated:
Trained different classifiers (KNeighbors, SVM, DecisionTree, LogisticRegression, NaiveBayes, RandomForest) Evaluated the performance of these models by calculating their accuracy score
Hyperparameter Tuning and Final Model Selection
The Random Forest Classifier was selected as the final model and a grid search was performed for hyperparameter tuning:
Tuned the parameters using GridSearchCV Generated a detailed classification report and confusion matrix The final model had an accuracy of around 78%
Conclusion and Next Steps
Through this project, I have created a machine learning model that predicts whether a loan would be approved or not with an accuracy of around 83%. The final model can be further improved by exploring more features and trying different modeling techniques.