
Cuckoo's Library: A Front End Web App. Find books by Title, Author, and Genre and save the ones you prefer! An interactive site, developed using the Bulma CSS Framework and JavaScript. Utilizing the Google Books & Giphy APIs to gather and present book data and media.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project #1 - Group 2

Trilogy – Full Stack Development Program University of Miami Cohort 2021

Team Members

  • Abhinav Biju
  • Mirza Awal
  • Rocio Arias
  • Tysean Hill

Cuckoo's Library

Project Description

Cuckoo's Library is a book search tool that allows the user to look up and keep track of books they are curious about. The user is able to search by Title, Author Name, or Genre and expect a list of related books to their query. The user can also find out their preferred genre of books by taking the Genre Quiz. The application utilizes the Google Books API to retrieve information regarding the user's book search query, as well as the Giphy API for related pictures to their Genre Quiz. After having completed a search or a quiz, the user is able to save their books of choice to their Bookshelf of Saved Books. The user has complete control over their Bookshelf and is able to easily browse through and find books they have saved previously.

Screenshot of Application

Key Features

  • Resourcefulness
  • Productivity/ Knowledge
  • Find new books from preferred genre or authors
  • Tracking books to read in the future or have read in the past


Inspired by mutual interest in books and reading as a hobby. Find a way to track and search books by various categories.

Tech/Framework Used

  • Languages used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Libraries & Frameworks used: Bulma CSS Framework, jQuery

API Reference

  • Google Books API (Book data by various criteria)

  • Giphy API (Semi-randomized Gifs related to various topics)


Abhinav Biju, Mirza Awal, Rocio Arias, Tysean Hill

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