
Bus Reservation System is a preety basic system developed in Django,MySQL,Python, which is designed to automate the online ticket purchasing through an easy online bus booking system.With the bus ticket reservation system you can manage/book reservations, clients data and passengers lists through its Django admin and book tickets effortlessly through the Bus reservation Website.

Primary LanguagePython


Bus Reservation System is a preety basic system developed in Django,MySQL,Python, which is designed to automate the online ticket purchasing through an easy online bus booking system.With the bus ticket reservation system you can manage/book reservations, clients data and passengers lists through its Django admin and book tickets effortlessly through the Bus reservation Website.

---------------Installation instructions for Windows --------

  1. Install the python 3.4 setup

  2. Install Xampp setup (please download a setup from https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html)

  3. Set the environment variables

    • Go to My computer Properties
    • Click on Advance System settings
    • Dialogue box will appear.Click on Environment Variables button
    • Find Path variable in System variables box
    • Select Path variable and click on edit button
    • copy paste the following at the end

4.Go to start n type xampp - open xampp control and start Apache and MySQL - Click on MySQL admin - create a database named bus_reservation - Go into the Database 'bus_reservation' - Import the bus_reservation.sql file into the database

5.Copy paste the whole project file Bus_reservation system to desktop

  1. Open file Desktop\Bus_reservation\src\Bus_reservation\settings.py and change the templates Dir Path on line no.64 to your desktop Bus_reservation templates folder

Open Cmd

  • Go to the Directory where the project is to be created and enter the following commands
  • cd Desktop
  • cd Bus_reservation
  • .\Scripts\activate
  • pip install Django
  • pip install mysqlclient==1.3.6
  • cd src
  • python manage.py runserver
  • Goto your Browser and enter the following url http://localhost:8000/
  • For admin panel enter the following url http://localhost:8000/admin
  • #Login for admin panel : Username = bus_admin password= bus123456