These are some selected questions apart from my DSA Sheet that I solved to prepare for my Google interviews
- Dynamic Programming
- Digit DP
- MagicNumbers.cpp
- Barcode.cpp
- cherryPick.cpp
- Digit DP
- Graphs
- 1.Representation
- List.cpp
- Matrix.cpp
- 10.Articulation Point and Bridges
- CutEdges.cpp
- CutVertex.cpp
- 2.CycleDetection
- 1.DetectCycleUndirectedGraph.cpp
- 2.DetectCycleDirectedGraph.cpp
- 3.IsBipartite.cpp
- 4.LengthOfSmallestCycle.cpp
- 5.DetectCyclesin2DGrid.cpp
- 6.Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a Meeting.cpp
- 3.DSU
- 1.Redundant Connection II.cpp
- DSUSnippetClass.cpp
- 4.Topological Sort
- GameRoutes.cpp
- LargestColorValueInADirectedGraph.cpp
- TopologicalBFS.cpp
- TopologicalDFS.cpp
- 5.MST
- Kruskals.cpp
- Prims.cpp
- 6.BFS
- MultiSourceBFS.cpp
- ValidBFS.cpp
- WorldLadder2.cpp
- boredom.cpp
- 7.DFS
- ConnectedComponents.cpp
- DFSwithStoppingCondition.cpp
- JourneyToTheMoon.cpp
- ReconstructItinerary.cpp
- 8.Shortest Paths Algo
- BellmanFord.cpp
- Dijkstras.cpp
- FLoydWarshall.cpp
- 9.StronglyConnected
- kosarju.cpp
- 1.Representation
- Rest of the Topic
- Rolling hash
- rabin_carp.cpp
- SegmentTree
- SegmentTreeSnippetClass.cpp
- Xenia.cpp