
This project is a University Course Management System designed to handle student enrollment, course management, and related functionalities.

Primary LanguageJava

University Course Management System

This project is a University Course Management System designed to handle student enrollment, course management, and related functionalities.

Table of Contents


To set up the project on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Use git clone to clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/university-course-management.git
  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the dependencies:

    cd university-course-management
    cd course
  3. Database Configuration: Configure the database settings in application.properties or the respective configuration file.

Running the System

To run the system locally, execute the following steps:

  1. Run the Application: Run the CourseApplication file

  2. Access the Application: The application should be accessible at http://localhost:8088 by default.

API Endpoints

The following are the main API endpoints for this system:

Course Endpoints

  • GET /courses: Retrieve all courses.
  • GET /courses/{id}: Retrieve a specific course by ID.
  • POST /courses: Create a new course.
  • PUT /courses/{id}: Update details of a specific course.
  • DELETE /courses/{id}: Delete a course by ID.

Enrollment Endpoints

  • POST /enrollments/enroll: Enroll a student in a course by providing studentId and courseId as parameters.
  • GET /enrollments: Retrieve all enrollments with details.
  • GET /enrollments/{id}: Retrieve enrollment details by ID.
  • PUT /enrollments/{id}: Update enrollment details.
  • DELETE /enrollments/{id}: Delete an enrollment by ID.

Student Endpoints

  • GET /students: Retrieve all students.
  • GET /students/{id}: Retrieve a specific student by ID.
  • POST /students: Register a new student.
  • PUT /students/{id}: Update details of a specific student.
  • DELETE /students/{id}: Delete a student by ID.
  • GET /students/{studentId}/courses: Retrieve courses for a specific student.

Postman Collection

Run In Postman