
Flutter app that uses Github's graphQL v4 API

Primary LanguageDart


An app made with flutter to view your Github Contributions and add to-do's to manage your task on Github.

  • The rating in Contribution screen is based on your Github contribution in last year.
  • Contribution lower than 200 gets one star ,contribution below 400 gets 2 star and so on and anything above 1200 gets 7 star.
  • The logged-in username is stored via shared preferences.
  • Data from To-do screen is stored in local storage via sqflite.

Packages Used

Packages Version
flutter_bloc ^ 4.0.1
graphql_flutter: ^ 3.0.1
google_fonts ^ 1.1.0
shared_preferences ^ 0.5.7+3
path ^1.6.4
flutter_bloc ^ 4.0.1
flutter_launcher_icons ^ 0.7.2

API used


Note :- To use Github's GraphQL API first you need to generate an Access Token

  • Go to Settings->Developer Settings->Personal Access Token ->Generate Token

To use the Token in GitUP

  • Simply goto GitUP/lib/access_token.dart
  • Replace 'Enter your access token' with your own generated access token.
