DSA365 Data Structures & Algorithms Solutions

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This repository contains solutions to the Data Structures domain which consists of both Data Structures and Algorithms.

The Data Structures Domain is further Divided into the following sub-domains.

Sub Domains & Problems (+Solutions) in the Data Structures Domain

⚡ Quick Links: Arrays | Linked Lists | Trees | Balanced Trees | Stacks | Queues | Heap | Disjoint Set | Multiple Choice | Trie | Advanced |

Arrays problems-solved

Topic Difficulty Level Solution Link
Arrays - DS Easy Java
2D Arrays - DS Easy Java
Dynamic Array Easy Java
Left Rotation Easy Java
Sparse Arrays Medium Java
Array Manipulation Hard Java

Linked List problems-solved

Topic Difficulty Level Solution Link
Arrays - DS Easy Java
2D Arrays - DS Easy Java
Dynamic Array Easy Java
Left Rotation Easy Java
Sparse Arrays Medium Java
Array Manipulation Hard Java