
The core python library of the Giskard framework for constraint- and optimization-based robot motion control.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Giskard is an open source motion planning framework for ROS, which uses constraint and optimization based task space control to generate trajectories for the whole body of mobile manipulators.

Installation instructions for Ubuntu 20.04 + Noetic

Python dependencies

sudo pip3 install scipy casadi sortedcontainers hypothesis pandas numpy trimesh colour pycollada catkin-tools
sudo apt install python3-dev 


This step is optional but recommanded because Gurobi is significantly faster than QPOases, but it requires a license. If Gurobi is not installed, Giskard will use QPOases automatically as a backup.


source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash           # source ROS
mkdir -p ~/giskardpy_ws/src                 # create directory for workspace
cd ~/giskardpy_ws                           # go to workspace directory
catkin init                                 # init workspace, you might have to pip install catkin-tools
cd src                                      # go to source directory of workspace
wstool init                                 # init rosinstall
wstool merge https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SemRoCo/giskardpy/master/rosinstall/noetic.rosinstall
                                            # update rosinstall file
wstool update                               # pull source repositories
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths .  # install dependencies available through apt
cd ..                                       # go to workspace directory
catkin build                                # build packages
source ~/giskardpy_ws/devel/setup.bash      # source new overlay

Fast Custom Bullet Bindings

Giskard uses Adrian Röfer's bullet bindings instead of the official ones, as they are much faster for our use case.

./scripts/build_better_pybullet.sh /path/of/your/choosing
source ~/.bashrc

Where /path/of/your/choosing can be for example a new folder in your home directory. If everything worked fine, you should be able to do the following without any errors:

$ ipython3
Python 3.8.2 (default, Mar 13 2020, 10:14:16) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import betterpybullet

In [2]:

If it doesn't work, source your .bashrc again and/or make sure that your $PYTHONPATH includes something like /path/of/your/choosing/bullet3/build_cmake/better_python:/path/of/your/choosing/bullet3/examples/pybullet.

