
Explore and master Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology with this educational repository, featuring comprehensive guides, code samples, and real-world use cases.

MIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to Learn-TPM!

This repository serves as a comprehensive guide and resource hub for understanding and implementing Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology. Whether you're a beginner looking to grasp the fundamentals or an experienced developer seeking practical insights, Learn-TPM is designed to cater to all levels of expertise.

What is TPM?

Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a hardware-based security solution that provides a secure foundation for various applications, including encryption, authentication, and secure boot. Understanding TPM is essential in today's security landscape, and this repository aims to demystify its concepts through clear documentation and hands-on examples.

Key Features:

Educational Content: Detailed explanations, tutorials, and guides to help you understand TPM concepts.

  • Code Samples: Practical examples and code snippets in various programming languages to implement TPM features.

  • Use Cases: Real-world scenarios and case studies showcasing how TPM can enhance security in different applications.

  • Contributions: Open to community contributions! If you have insights, examples, or improvements, feel free to contribute to the repository.

Getting Started:

Clone the Repository:

git clone https://github.com/Abhinandan-Khurana/Learn-TPM.git


Switch the branch to gitbook to view the content.

Explore the Documentation:

Dive into the documentation directory to find guides and tutorials tailored for your level of expertise.

Run Code Samples:

Check out the code samples directory for practical examples and hands-on exercises.


I welcome contributions! If you have something to add or improve, please follow our contribution guidelines.


Official TPM Specifications

TPM Tools and Libraries

Security Best Practices

TPM 2.0 Library


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.