
A morse code translator which can convert plain text into encrypted form as morse code and also it can convert morse code back into plain text.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple tool which can easily convert your plain text having alphabates from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9 and some special symbols into a encrypted morse code format. Also it can convert your morse code into plain text.


Morse code is a method of converting plain text into a series of on-off tones, lights or clicks or some dots & dashes format text which can be understood only by a skilled listener or observer. It was named after the inventor of telegraph Samuel F.B Morse.


The algorithm for morse code translator is very simple. In this we have convert each alphabet into its corresponding dot & dashes or only with dot or dashes in some cases and vice-versa.


  1. dictionary.py :- This module consists of a morse code dictionary having keys and values for the conversion.
  2. encryption.py :- This module consists of a function which is used to convert normal text into morse code.
  3. decryption.py :- This module consists of a function which is used to convert morse code into plain text.
  4. gui.py :- This is the module where you can run the code with its simple GUI interface.
  5. gui_support.py :- This is module with try and except for importing the right library and for displaying GUI.
  6. run.py :- This module deals with running of code with GUI. It is terminal based for the sake of simplicity.