
To predict the rating of a developer using various data captured during an online test

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


We need to create a coding skills assesment tool which accurately predicts workplace performance.The data gathers the static metric for the code written by the developer when attempting a coding assessment test and uses it to predict the workplace performance.

Your task is to train a machine learning regression model using the training data provided and implement a working prediction api

Dataset Description

The data column definitions are below

Independent Variables

  1. Task Name: Name of the task attempted by the developer. This column is label encoded.

  2. tx_name: Name of the developer who attempted the test. This column is label encoded.

  3. tx_difficulty: Difficulty of the task

  4. total_correctness: predetermined correctness score given for each task

  5. total_compute: predetermined compute score given for each task

  6. total_robustness: predetermined robustness score given for each task

  7. total_memtotal: predetermined memtotal score given for each task

  8. made_submission: boolean column which determines if developer submitted the code or not

  9. compile_success: boolean column which determines if submitted code compiled successfully

  10. score_percentage: Score for the task achieved by the developer based on successful test cases

  11. Time spent: proportion of total time spent on the task by the developer attempting the task. E.g 0.5 would mean a developer spent 15 minutes out of 30 minutes allowed for the task.

  12. Remarks on Score: remarks on the total score achieved by developer. Represents if the developer failed altogether, passed partially or completed the task correctly. 0 represents, the developer didn’t compile the code.

  13. id_task_session: unique id for each task session. There are multiple tasks in a test attempted by the developer and each task has a unique id.

  14. js_comments: After the task is submitted, some predefined questions are asked to the developer. This column contains the answers to those questions

  15. id_infra_instan: id of repository for the task session. A repository is created for each task session, in which commits are made automatically every 10s from the start to end of the test. PA Backend makes automatic commits on behalf of the developer every 10 seconds. Eg. In a task of 30 minutes, 180 commits would be made on developer’s behalf. ● The columns ending with “_all” contain the sum of static metrics for all commits made at 10 seconds distance.

  16. nu_pgmr_comment_flux_all: Sum of flux in comments length between subsequent commits.

  17. nu_pgmr_cyclo_flux_all: Sum of flux in cyclomatic complexity for all commits made(at 10 seconds distance). Cyclomatic complexity is the measure of the number of linearly independent paths in code. For more info check here .

  18. nu_pgmr_filesize_flux_all: sum of flux in file size for all commits

  19. nu_pgmr_nom_flux_all: sum of flux in number of methods for all commits. NOM is defined as the total number of methods in a class, including all public, private and protected methods.It indicates the classes that may be trying to do too much work themselves; i.e., they provide too much functionality.

  20. nu_pgmr_dac_flux_all: sum of flux in data abstraction coupling for all commits.The DAC measures the coupling complexity caused by Abstract Data Types (ADTs).

  21. nu_pgmr_fanout_flux_all: sum of fanout flux for all commits. Fan-out is defined as the number of local flows from a procedure plus the number of data structures that procedure updates.

  22. nu_loc_flux_source_all: sum of flux in number of logical lines of code for all commits.

  23. nu_loc_added_source_all: sum of number of lines of source code added by the developer for all commits. Eg. if 1 line is added in the first 10 seconds and 1 line of code is added in the next 10 seconds. Nu_loc_added_source_all would be 20.

  24. nu_ce_models_units_all: sum of coding effort of the developer for the task based on static metrics. Coding effort is an abstract number which represents the effort required to write a piece of code. More the ce, more the effort it will take to write that code. The ce units number is further converted to hours for better interpretability.

  25. nu_aberrant_ce_units_all: sum of aberrant coding effort of the developer for the task based on static metrics. Aberrant coding effort represents the percentage of coding effort which is not maintainable. More the ab_ce less the code maintainability. The ab_ce is also converted to hours for better interpretability.

  26. nu_ce_hours_all: nu_ce_models_units_all converted to hours.

  27. nu_aberrant_ce_all: nu_aberrant_ce_units_all converted to hours

  28. id_test_session: id of the test session attempted by the developer PA Backend tracks the last snapshot of code submitted by the developer. ● The columns ending with “_submit” contain the static metrics for that submitted code against the initial code given to the developer. ○ Eg. if the initial code given to the developer had 2 lines of code and the submitted code contained 10 lines of code, loc_submit would be 8. ○ Eg. if the initial code given to the developer had 0 lines of code(no code given to start with) and the submitted code contained 10 lines of code, loc_submit would be 10.

  29. loc_submit: number of lines of code present in the code submitted by the candidate against initial code.

  30. cyclo_submit: cyclomatic complexity of the code at the time of submission against initial code.

  31. nom_submit: nom metric for the code at the time of submission against initial code

  32. dac_submit: dac metric for the submitted code against initial code

  33. fanout_submit: fanout metric for the submitted code against initial code

  34. ce_units_submit: definition same as 24. Point. Calculated for the submitted code.

  35. aberrant_ce_units_submit: definition same as 25. Calculated for the submitted code.

  36. correctness_norm: normalized correctness score achieved by the candidate for the task. “norm” represents proportion of correctness out of total correctness

  37. compute_norm: normalized compute score achieved by the candidate for the task. “norm” represents proportion of compute out of total compute

  38. robustness_norm: normalized robustness score achieved by the candidate for the task. “norm” represents proportion of robustness out of total robustness

  39. memtotal_norm: normalized memtotal score achieved by the candidate for the task. “norm” represents proportion of memtotal out of total memtotal

  40. task_score: combined score obtained by the candidate for the task. Calculated simply by adding the norm scores and dividing by the sum of total achievable scores for correctness,compute,robustness and memtotal.

  41. tx_file_type: file type of the code file written by the developer for the task

Dependent Variables

  1. BCE/day : Average productivity hours of work put in by the developer per day
    a. Ranges from 0-5 Hours.
    b. Calculated on a developer level
    c. A high bce/day means the developer would be a star performer when they get into the organization.


1. The provided training data is aggregated on a task level. There are a total of 330
2. A test can contain multiple tasks
3. A developer can attempt multiple tests
4. BCE/day ranges from 0-5 hours