
This Jupyter Notebook focuses on preprocessing and visualizing data from an Instagram profiles dataset. It includes data loading, inspection, visualization, and some data preprocessing steps.

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Instagram Profiles Data Analysis


This Jupyter Notebook focuses on preprocessing and visualizing data from an Instagram profiles dataset. It includes data loading, inspection, visualization, and some data preprocessing steps.

Data Loading and Basic Inspection

  • The script loads a dataset from a CSV file named 'Instagram Profiles - Github Hashtag - instagram_profile.csv' into a Pandas DataFrame named df.
  • It displays the first few rows and provides information about the dataset using df.head() and df.info().

Data Visualization Class

  • The script defines a Python class named visual_preprocess to encapsulate data visualization and preprocessing functions.

Data Exploration and Preprocessing

  • The class contains various methods for exploring and preprocessing the data:
    • _row_col: Helper function to calculate the number of rows and columns in the DataFrame.
    • disp_tot_row_col: Displays the total row and column count.
    • missingv: Visualizes missing values using a heatmap.
    • _null_calculator: Helper function to calculate the percentage of null values in columns.
    • null_percentage: Calculates and displays columns with a specified percentage of null values.
    • get_col_empty: Returns columns with null values above a specified threshold.

Data Cleaning

  • Columns with a high percentage of null values (above 50%) are dropped from the DataFrame.

Data Visualization

  • Various data visualizations are created using Seaborn and Matplotlib, including:
    • Distribution of 'posts_count' using a histogram.
    • Filtering and exploration of records with 'posts_count' greater than 2000.
    • Scatterplots of various features ('followers', 'following', 'highlights_count', etc.) with respect to different account types and privacy settings.
    • Bar plots showing relationships between 'is_business_account' and 'is_professional_account' with 'followers' and 'following'.
    • Additional scatterplots exploring features related to 'following' and 'followers'.

Hashtag Analysis

  • The script defines a function (hashtag_freq) to extract and analyze hashtags from the 'post_hashtags' column.
  • The function counts the frequency of hashtags and displays the top 10 most frequently used hashtags in the dataset.