
Dig tool and DNSSec Resolver

Primary LanguagePython

“dig” tool and a “DNSSEC” resolver

  1. "Dig Tool" : Basically a iterative DNS Resolver that when provided with URL resolves it to provide IP address along with Query time, message size and other information. It supports A, MX and NS record types. File: mydig.py

  2. "DNSSec Resolver : A DNS Resolver with DNSSec protocol added to it for intergrity of DNS. After each resolution, the integrity of the DNS response is verified.Based on whether the provided URL supports DNSSec or not, three kinds of output is povided: a. DNSSEC is configured and everything is verified (Output: verified IP Address) b. DNSSEC is not enabled (Output: “DNSSEC not supported”) c. DNSSEC is configured but the digital signature could NOT be verified (Output: “DNSSec verification failed”) File: DNSSec.py

  3. Comparison of performance of my "dig" tool with i. google's DNS resolver ii. local DNS resolver

    Performance measurements: Used top 25 websites from (http://www.alexa.com/topsites.) (10 times each) Cumulative Distribution Fucntion (CDF) for the comparison is plotted. File: CDF.png

Input format: python mydig.py <Record type 'A'/'MX'/NS'> python DNSSec.py <With or without Record type 'A'/'MX'/NS'>