Perfectly working code for Online Music Streaming Application

A music streaming Application which uses HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap in the frontend and MySQL in the backend.

The connection between the frontend and backend was done using PHP.

Xampp software was used to create the project.

Steps to be followed to view the project:

Step 1: Follow the steps in to intsall and gain access to MySQL and apache

Step 2: Create Database named "music_streaming_app" and import the database.txt file into PHPMyAdmin(You can open it by clicking on the admin button of MySQL in Xampp control panel).

Step 3: Add the project folder to the C:\xampp\htdocs folder.

Step 4: Click the admin button of Apache in the Xampp control panel.

Step 5: Open Project folder. Click on user to use the application. Click on admin to add new songs or albums or artists to the database.