Python Programming Projects

This repository contains a collection of Python programming projects. Each project is designed to help you practice and improve your Python programming skills.

Projects Included

  1. Rock Paper Scissor Game (Pr-1)
    Description: A classic game where players choose between rock, paper, or scissors and the winner is determined based on the choices made.

  2. Password Generator (Pr-2)
    Description: Generates strong and random passwords based on user specifications.

  3. Hangman Game (Pr-3)
    Description: A word guessing game where players must guess letters to uncover a hidden word before they run out of attempts.

  4. Caesar Cipher (Pr-4)
    Description: Implements the Caesar Cipher encryption technique, where each letter in the plaintext is shifted a certain number of places down or up the alphabet.

  5. Silent Auction Program (Pr-5)
    Description: A program that facilitates a silent auction where participants can bid on items anonymously.

  6. Calculator (Pr-6)
    Description: A basic calculator program capable of performing arithmetic operations.

  7. Guess a Number (Pr-7)
    Description: A simple number guessing game where the user tries to guess a randomly generated number.

  8. Higher Lower Game (Pr-8)
    Description: A guessing game where the player must guess whether the next number will be higher or lower than the previous one.

  9. Coffee Machine (Pr-9)
    Description: A virtual coffee machine program that simulates the process of ordering and making various coffee drinks.

  10. Quiz Game with Database (Pr-10)
    Description: A quiz game that stores questions and answers in a database, allowing for dynamic quiz generation.

Getting Started

Each project is contained within its own Python file. You can clone this repository to your local machine and run the Python files using a Python interpreter.

git clone
cd Simple-Python-Projects


  • Python 3.7
  • Additional dependencies may be required for specific projects. Refer to the comments within each Python file for more information.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests to improve the existing projects or add new ones.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.