
This is a Project Based on Cricket Game between the User and the Computer.

Primary LanguageC++


This is a Project Based on Cricket Game between the User and the Computer. It's a famous game among teenagers played between two. Where they randomly pick any number between 1-6 using their fingers and if the opponent also pick the same number then the player is out otherwise it's a run.

About The Code

In This Project i have created a menu driven program in the MAIN() Function which will give name and format options to the user to play in their interested format. Then there is Toss code in the OVER() Function for the match which is generally based on the odd-even numbers , Who won the toss will get to bat first. Then it comes to bating and bowling in the WON() and COMP() each. WON() is created for the user and the COMP() for the computer. I have use the RAND() and SRAND() STL in C++ , to generate random numbers between 1-6 at every call. If the user get to bat first his runs will get added at every ball and will set the target for the computer(Giga Cores) and vice-versa. At the end the score of both the teams will be displayed and the winner is announced!